The Parish Council is very active and provides a focus for the community. Full Parish Council Meetings (FPCM) are held monthly, rotating between Kelsey Hall and Winterton Hall. Meetings of the Council’s Planning and Open Spaces Committee are held every month, rotating between Kelsey Hall and Winterton Hall. Please note, there may be times when Planning Meetings are vacated due to a lack of planning applications received by the Parish Council.
The Parish Council has a number of Committees and Steering Groups. Please refer to the Parish Council’s website for full information regarding the dates, venue and time of all its meetings. Alternatively, you can contact the Clerk by email or write to Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council, Winterton Hall, Loxwood Road, Plaistow, West Sussex RH14 0PX.
Members of the public are very welcome to attend meetings in person, or remotely via Zoom and have the opportunity to ask questions or raise relevant issues. Meeting dates are listed on the website, and the agenda is posted both online and also on the Parish’s four noticeboards (outside Kelsey Hall, Ifold outside Winterton Hall, Plaistow, entrance to Durfold Wood and Shillinglee). Further information about the Parish Council, including a virtual noticeboard, meeting minutes, news and updates can be found on their website. Please scroll down to find additional information about what the Parish Council does.
Please see the Parish Council website for current meeting dates
Meetings are free to attend. Everyone is welcome. Parish Clerk: Jane Bromley
What does the Parish Council do?
A local council is a universal term for community, neighbourhood, parish and town councils. They are the first tier of local government and are statutory bodies. They serve electorates and are independently elected and raise their own precept (a form of council tax). There are 10,000 local councils in England with over 30% of the country parished and 100,000 councillors who serve in these local councils, with over £1b being invested into these communities every year.
Local councils work towards improving community well-being and providing better services. Their activities fall into three main categories: representing the local community; delivering services to meet local needs; striving to improve quality of life and community well-being.
Through an extensive range of discretionary powers local councils provide and maintain a variety of important and visible local services including allotments, bridleways, burial grounds, bus shelters, car parks, commons and open spaces, community transport schemes, community safety and crime reduction measures, events and festivals, footpaths, leisure and sports facilities, litter bins, public toilets, planning, street cleaning and lighting, tourism activities, traffic calming measures, village greens and youth projects.
Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council is a first tier authority within the Local Government framework influencing, where necessary, issues affecting higher level Chichester District and West Sussex County Councils Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council raises its own precept via local taxation. You will have noticed in your annual Council Tax demand that you make a small contribution towards the Parish Council. Some examples of the Parish Council’s responsibilities include:
- maintenance of Plaistow village green and pond area
- monitoring of footpaths, bridleways and highways, however West Sussex County Council’s Highways and Public Rights of Way departments remain ultimately responsible
- making grants to support local groups and organisations
- commenting on planning applications, in its capacity as a statutory consultee within the planning process. Planning decisions remain the responsibility of the Local Planning Authority (Chichester District Council)
- influencing policy decisions taken by Chichester DC and WSCC which affect the village.
If you would like to know more then please feel free to come along to our meetings. For further information about the Powers and Duties of Local Councils go to the National Association of Local Councils website –